Selena Gomez is getting a bit of help from a fellow pop star for her next album, tentatively titled A Year Without Rain. The "Ramona and Beezus" star recently shared that her September release will feature a collaboration with one of California's most famous gurls."Katy Perry gave me a song, and she did background vocals on it," she told Hollywood Life. "The whole experience was really fun."
Other details concerning the song with Perry are unknown, but Gomez has said that this next album will focus on her growing up musically. "The title so far of my album — I mean, I'm hoping it will stick — is A Year Without Rain," Gomez told MTV News. "It's basically one of my favorite songs on the record. It's kind of got a more feel-good dance beat and feel. I love it. It's different; [it] kind of shows my growth of my music."
Gomez has other favorite tunes on the album. "There's a song called 'Intuition' that's one of my favorites. The message is basically every decision that you regret or second-guess, [just] do it [anyway]. I love that message so much."Not only does she have songs banked for the album, the visuals for it are also in the works. "Shot my album artwork for the next record today!" she tweeted a few weeks ago. "Ah, I can't wait for yall to see/hear all the new stuff!"
Are you looking forward to Selena Gomez's next album? Tell us in the comments!
This report is from MTV News. |
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